Israel investigates sexual assault scandal at its Rabat office

Israel’s foreign ministry is investigating a sexual harassment scandal in its liaison office in Rabat, the Israeli media reported on Monday.

Tel Aviv’s Inspector General Hagay Behar flew to Rabat last week to look into allegations of severe irregularities including sexual harassment, exploiting local women, not reporting gifts and severe workplace disputes.


The scandal involves directly David Govrin, Israel’s official representative in the Moroccan kingdom.

Govrin, who served as Tel Aviv ambassador to Cairo from 2016 to 2020, was appointed as the head of Israel’s liaison office after its inauguration in August 2021.


The announcement came as allegations of exploiting Moroccan women working at the office by a senior Israeli official were leaked to the media last June.

One of the matters under investigation is the disappearance of a gift from the Moroccan royal family in honour of Israel’s Independence Day, which was not properly reported to the Israeli foreign ministry.


In addition, Govrin is in an ongoing dispute with his security officer, according to Israeli broadcast KAN.

